Dafydd's page

Dyma nodiadau Delyth o'r cyfarfod:


O safbwynt y modiwl rydym yn ei redeg ar hyn o bryd, un o'r 
problemau ydi fod y 'chat room' wedi arwain at sefyllfa o'r 'dall yn 
arwain y dall' - roeddwn yn sylweddoli fod rhai yn rhoi cam-gyngor i rai 
eraill am eu holiaduron, a hefyd roedd tuedd i or-ganmol ei gilydd. 
Mae'n siwr fod hyn yn ddealladwy, pawb eisiau bod yn gefn i'w gilydd, 
ond yn amlwg mae rhaid cael goruchwyliaeth o'r broses ac efallai ni fel 
athrawon yn rhoi mewnbwn pan mae'n ymddangos nad yw'r sylwadau'n 
gywir/dilys. Y broblem wedyn wrth gwrs yw y byddant yn rhy swil i gynnig 
sylwadau am bod ni yn eu gwylio!  Problem efallai y gellir ei thrafod 
fory. Problemau eraill yw methu lawrlwytho datasets, a  haeriadau na 
allent 'logio on' i wefan Bangor (dwi ddim yn deall hynny) - ond beth 
bynnag mae diffyg hygyrchedd yn broblem ar adegau efo dysgu o bell (ac 
OERs am wn i)



Google translate suggests the following as a translation ... this should be a sign to most that Google Translate isn't the most effective resource, though what is interesting is that for those involved with the project is should allow colleagues to get a gist of some of the challenges we are facing.!


From the perspective of the module we are running for the moment, one of 
problems is that the 'chat room' has led to a situation of 'blind 
leading the blind '- I realize that some ill-advised to give some 
others for their questionnaires, and also had a tendency to over-compliment each other. 
No doubt this is understandable, everyone wants to be back again, 
but obviously there must be oversight of the process and perhaps not as 
Teachers give input when it appears that the comments 
correct / valid. The problem then of course is that they are too shy to offer 
Comment on that we are watching them! Problem may be discussed 
tomorrow. Other problems is the inability to download datasets, and representations or 
could 'log on' to the website of Bangor (I do not understand that) - but what 
However the lack of accessibility is sometimes a problem with distance learning (and 
Goers I suppose) 



This is Dafydd Trystan's page for resources, documents etc. related to the C-SAP cascade project


Title   Content File type  Date created 
Pre-meeting task Initial thoughts on cascade project 
Second Task Thoughts
The file contains further reflections on the task for the second meeting.
CSAP Outline for Dulliau Ymchwil.docx   This file contains the outlines for the resources developed on the Porth and for depoist into Jorum.   docx  26/7/11 



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