About this wiki


The wiki provides an overview of the tools and approaches which comprise the C-SAP cascade model. It also documents the process (and the resulting challenges) involved in developing the cascade framework, which emerged in the context of a  collaborative methodology embedded within the framework of communities of practice.


During the lifetime of the OER phase II project, this wiki functioned as a space for documenting our ideas, storing relevant documents and resources and maintaining a small community of practice. It remained closed to the core project team until the end of August 2011, when a revised version aimed at a more general audience was released as one of project outputs.  


Navigating the wiki

In order to navigate the content of this wiki, you can either use the sidebar menu on your right, or follow links from the homepage in order to access relevant project resources including the project timelineoverview of OER-related issues,discussion on the cascade frameworkcontact details for the project team and other pages as the wiki keeps growing. 



If you are having any problems at all with using the wiki please contact Anna Gruszczynska at a.gruszczynska@bham.ac.uk or consult the PBworks Manual.



The content of the wiki and any supporting materials produced within the project are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales